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Fairfield, ME - 207-441-4981
Lehi, UT - 801-389-1774

Two-thirds of the water on earth is groundwater. As it travels through rock and soil, it picks up particles of calcium, magnesium, iron, lead, and other minerals. For over 85% of the country, this means “hard water.”

“Hardness” refers to the amount of calcium and magnesium in the water and is measured in grains per gallon (gpg)(where grain is a measurement of weight) or in parts per million (ppm) (17.1 ppm = 1 gpg). The table below illustrates the ratings of hard water based on the number of hardness contaminants.




In both cases, water treatment for hardness removal is needed. Since the cost of softening water at a central utility is high, water companies generally leave the responsibility for soft water to the homeowner. Some water companies may soften their water supply to a degree, but it will usually be moderately hard. No matter the source, a water softening system in your home or business that achieves hardness removal at the point of entry can effectively, economically reduce the gpg levels to below 1.0.

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Maine & Now Introducing

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Proud Provider of Clean Water to all of

Maine & Now Introducing

two counties in Utah, Utah County & Salt Lake County

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